Singletons in C++

Let's know what is Singletons :

Sometimes we need to have only one instance of our class for example a single DB connection shared by multiple objects as creating a separate DB connection for every object may be costly. Similarly, there can be a single configuration manager or error manager in an application that handles all problems instead of creating multiple managers and hence , Singletons comes ;

Definition :

The singleton pattern is a design pattern that restricts the instantiation of a class to one object.

Simple Implementation :

#include "iostream"
class Singleton{
        Singleton(const Singleton& ) = delete ;  // Singletons should not be cloneable.
        static Singleton& getInstance(){
            return s_instance;
        static Singleton s_instance;

Singleton Singleton::s_instance;

int main(){
    auto& ins = Singleton::getInstance();
    return 0;

A Simple Example based on Singletons :

#include "iostream"
class Random{
        Random(const Random& ) = delete ;       
        static Random& getInstance(){
            static Random s_instance;
            return s_instance;
        static float Float(){ return getInstance().IFloat(); };
        float IFloat(){ return getRandom; };
        float getRandom = 0.5f; 
int main(){
    auto random = Random::Float();
    std::cout << random;  
    return 0;